Saturday, March 17, 2012

Day 8 – What's your worst and best experience with non-Goths?

I've said this many times before but i guess i have to repeat it. My town is boring. Nobody seems to care what anyone else does. They're all very indifferent. The only times i have any kind of reaction really is when i go to school down in the city.

Becomming friends with this girl in my math class because of how i dress. I'm into the more victorian romantigoth style. She adores the way i dress and that's how we became friends. She also really loves vintage fashion which is weird because i only ever see her in pants.

Worst: These group of people from my school that made fun of me very loudly in the library. They don't know me and i didn't know them. A week or two later one of the kids came and talked with me because i was hanging out with one of my friends and introduced himself. So he didn't even remember me. I told him who i was and why i know him. He didn't care. I hate everyone.

Another best was one day i was waiting at the bus stop in my town, and this lady stops her car to yell 'You look beautiful!' It was awesome.

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